Minggu, 08 November 2009

Tales of Destiny II >> Secret Place

Secret Places

- Behind Regulus Dojo, you can find a big round green plain. If you walk around, you will go to a screen where you can find old soldier who will teach you Range Attack command.
- You can get a Poison Charm if you go north from Undine Stream and walk inside the area surrounded by mountains.(GPS (150, 114))
- Near the Treetop Village of Morle, if you go N through the opening in the mountains then go straight W, there will be a deadend near the end of the shoreline. If you walk into the corner of the deadend, you'll be taken to a forest background with a man who will teach you the Focus Attack command.(GPS(114, 144))
- A little bit northwest from Barole, there is a small opening surrounded by mountain. Here you can find Wind Shard and Wind Crystal.(GPS(40, 36))
- A little bit north from Barole, there is a small opening surrounded by mountain. Here you can find a woman who sells only Strawberry.(GPS(52, 24))
- A little south west from Sylph Cavern, go to the bottom left edge of this continenet and you will get a Lens.(GPS(14, 74))
- A little bit west from Mt. Mintche, there was a forest and an open area surronded by forest and forest and mountain. Go to the open area to get Rune Bottle from the pouch.(GPS(50, 150))
- In the Middle of the Largest Island at the northwest corner of the Map, Northwest of Barole. You'll find a Savory and a Lavender.(GPS(18, 12))
- A little bit to the west of Port of Inferia at the cape, you can find an old man who telling you there's a girl who can ride Drake the Dragon.(GPS(150, 100))
- Go to the middle of the only forest you can find in Farlos to get Back Attack command from the old soldier.(GPS(100, 100))
- Go to northwest of Chambard to an island then go to left edge of this island and get a Lens and Front Attack command from the old soldier.(GPS(162, 45))
- Small island south of Efreet Gorge has Syrup Bottle and Life Bottle.
- Hideout 1(76,123)12240 Gald, Savory, Water Shard, Diamond Armlet, Volt Shard, Holy Cloak
- Hideout 2(119,122)Skill Ice Hammer for Chat, Fire Shard, 2x Rune Bottle, Hourglass, 8415 Gald, Sage
- Hideout 3(141,1)Ninja Sword, Earth Shard, 2x Rune Bottle, Lavender, 10710 Gald
Search the plant near the chests to get a Lens
- Hideout 4(226,130) Rune Bottle, Elixir, 9945 Gald, Snow Shard, Bellebane, Wind Shard
- GPS(186,33) Tomato
- GPS(211,32) Pine Gel, Lemon Gel
- GPS(121,54) Kirima
- GPS(182,89) Water Crystal, Water Shard
- GPS(187,140) Flare Cape
- GPS(226,90) Rune Bottle
- GPS(160,131) a Lens, must use Aibird

- GPS(227,162) Rune Bottle
- GPS(228,120) Miracle Charm
- GPS(203,76) Volt Shard, Volt Crystal
- GPS(217,70) Red Bellebane, Red Lavender
- GPS(177,31) 4000 Gald
- GPS(187,14) Thunder Cape
- GPS(183,130) Skill Toss Hammer for Chat
- GPS(131,117) Quick Attack command
- GPS(52,153) Snow Crystal, Snow Shard
- GPS(60,126) a Lens
- GPS(15,10) Shrimp
- GPS(82,38) Rush Attack command
- GPS(72,48) Amango
- GPS(120,128) Pico Revenge
- Hideout 1(56,112) Silver Cage 1, S.D. after finish Glimmer Spire
- Hideout 2(152,164) Silver Cage 2
- Hideout 3(167,112) Silver Cage 3
- Hideout 4(228,41) Silver Cage 4
- Hideout 5(3,151) Silver Cage 5

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